10:30~11:00 Registration
11:00~12:00 Special Lecture 1,2 Chair : Sun Woo Kim, Sung-Woon Kim
11:00~11:30 Evolution of Neuropeptide and GPCR Jae Young Seong, Korea University
11:30~12:00 Unfamiliar Receptor in the Pituitary : Ignore or Apply ? Eun Jig Lee, Severance Hospital
12:00~12:30 Special Lecture(3) Chair : Eui Hyun Kim Special Lecture(4) Chair :
The New Era of GLP-1RA Treatment with Dulaglutide Sang Youl Rhee, Kyung Hee University Hospital Place of Lanreotide in the Treatment of Acromegaly Marissa LIM, IPSEN
12:30~13:20 Lunch Lunch
13:20~13:30 Opening Remark
13:30~15:00 임상 Session 1 - Aggressive Pituitary Adenoma Chair : Seong-Yeon Kim,
SunHo Kim
Basic Session 1 - Neuronal Control of Appetite and Energy Metabolism Chair : Jong-Woo Sohn
13:30~14:15 Aggressive Pituitary Tumors : Neurosurgical Perspective Seung Min Kim, Eulji University Hospital Hypothalamus and Muscle Axis that Controls Appetite and Energy Expenditure Jae Geun Kim, Incheon National University
Brain FoxO1 Regulates Energy Homeostasis & Psychiatric Behaviors Ki Woo Kim, Yonsei University
14:15~15:00 Aggressive Pituitary Adenoma Medical Perspective Eun Jig Lee, Severance Hospital
Spexin and Its Analogue in the Regulation of Energy Homeostasis Dong-Hoon Kim,
Korea University
15:00~16:30 임상 Session 2 - Prolactinoma Chair : Dong Won Byun,
Soon-Jib Yoo
Basic Session 2 - Novel Neural Circuits for Behavior Regulation Chair : Gi Hoon Son,
Doyun Lee
15:00~15:30 Predictors of Dopamine Agonist Responsiveness Cheol Ryong Ku, Severance Hospital Spatial Information Processing in the Hippocampus Doyun Lee, IBS
15:30~16:00 Hyperprolactinemia and Its Comorbidities In-Ju Kim, Pusan National University Hospital Optogenetic Modulation of Neurological Disorders in Mice Daesoo Kim, KAIST
16:00~16:30 Surgical Treatment of Prolactinoma Shin Jung, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital Interaction Between Homeostatic and Hedonic Mechanism Hyung Jin Choi, Seoul National University
16:30~16:50 Coffee Break
16:50~17:40 Plenary Lecture Chair : Min-Seon Kim
Regulatory Role of Hypothalamic - Sympathetic Nervous System in Glucose and Energy Metabolism Yasuhiko Minokoshi (National Institute for Physiological Sciences, NIPS, Japan)
17:40~ Gala Dinnar

08:00~08:30 Special Lecture(5) Chair : Sung-Woon Kim Special Lecture(6) Chair :
Metformin - Oldies but Goodies Jung Hyun Noh, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital Advances in the Management of Acromegaly and Cushing’s Disease : The Past, Present and Future Lauer Andrea, Novartis
08:30~08:55 Registration, Breakfast Registration, Breakfast
08:55~09:00 Opening Remark Opening Remark
09:00~10:30 임상Session 3 - Acromegaly Chair : In-Ju Kim,
Byung Joon Kim
Oral Presentation Chair : Jae Young Seong,
Dong-Hun Kim
09:00~09:30 GH and IGF-I Discrepancy Jung Hee Kim, Seoul National University Hospital Therapeutic Effects of a Spexin-Based Galanin Receptor Type 2 Specific Agonist in Mood-Related Disease Models Seongsik Yun, Korea University
Role of TTF-1 in the Regulation of Energy Homeostasis Byong Seo Park, Ulsan University
09:30~10:00 Acromegaly and Its Comorbidities Jinmann Chon, Kyung Hee University Hospital Physiological Role of Serotonin 2C Receptors Expressed by PVH Neurons Eun-Seon Yoo, KAIST
Role of Perivascular Macrophages on High Fat Induced Hypothalamic Inflammation Chan Hee Lee, Asan Medical Center
10:00~10:30 New Treatment Option : Pasireotide LAR or Pegvisomant Sang Ouk Chin, Kyung Hee University Hospital OMP (Olfactory Marker Protein), Restraint of Basal and TRH Mediated Prolactin Secretion and Production in the Pituitary Chan Woo Kang, Yonsei Univ. Hospital
Identification of Circadian Clock Modulators Targeting Core Clock Components Goyeong Choi, Kyung Book University
10:30~10:50 Coffee Break
10:50~11:50 임상Session 4 - 성장호르몬 특집 Chair : Eun Jig Lee,
Yoon-Sok Chung
Basic Session 3 - Modulation of Basic Life Rhythms and Behaviors Chair : Hyung Jin Choi
10:50~11:20 Development of Long Acting GH Soon Jae Park, Alteogen Oxytocin-Mediated Neuromodulation of Circuitry Underlying Social Behaviors Han Kyoung Choe, DGIST
11:20~11:50 GH Replacement in Adult Sung-Woon Kim, Kyung Hee University Hospital Pharmacological Modulation of Circadian Molecular Clock and Its Therapeutic Potentials Gi Hoon Son, Korea University
11:50~12:30 Special Lecture 7 - 임상 Chair : Young-Kil Choi
NGS Based Research for Pituitary Tumor Yongyong Shi (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. China )
12:30~13:00 Special Lecture(8) Chair : Hyoung-Woo Lee Special Lecture(9) Chair : Sung-Woon Kim
Unmet needs in KR and Role of Dapa Seeun Park, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital Growth Hormone Treatment in Adult Byung Joon Kim, Gachon University Gil Medical Center
13:00~13:30 Lunch Lunch
13:30~14:00 뇌하수체 기능검사 임정수, 연세대 원주세브란스기독병원 내분비내과
14:00~14:30 뇌하수체 영상검사(IPSS 관련 내용 포함) 안국진, 가톨릭의대 서울성모병원 영상의학과
14:30~14:50 Coffee Break
14:50~15:50 연수강좌 Session 2 - Update in Pituitary Disorders
14:50~15:20 Update in Medical Management of Cushing’s Disease 진상욱, 경희의대 내분비내과
15:20~15:50 Prolactinomas in the Post - Menopausal Period - To Treat or To Let It Go? 유순집, 가톨릭의대 부천성모병원 내분비내과
15:50~16:50 연수강좌 Session 3 - Update in Reproductive Endocrinology
15:50~16:20 Digit Ratio : Imprinting Effect of Fetal Androgen 김태범, 가천의대 길병원 비뇨기과
16:20~16:50 Management of Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (JCEM Guideline 2017) 최성희, 서울의대 분당서울대병원 내분비내과
16:50~17:00 Closing Remark